Longer poll hours
Jim Harper, Democrat

"In 2014, we had the lowest voter turnout in the country; we were 51 out of 51. I'm a strong supporter of longer voting hours – Indiana has some of the shortest voting hours in the country."
Connie Lawson, Republican incumbent

"I think the devil's in the details on those things [voting by mail and extending poll hours], so I haven't seen them. I know those ideas did not get out of the Senate committee this past session. And so I'm happy to discuss those with them and I talked with Sen. [Greg] Walker [R-Columbus] during that time, shared with him some of my concerns. But I know that they'll be working on those issues in the future."
Mark Rutherford, Libertarian

"One of [the election reforms] I like to joke – but it's really not a joke – that we have a great election code for 1870. We no longer do a horse-and-buggy or a horse to the courthouse. There's no need to make sure everybody's together on the same day to make sure that we have only the people who should be voting, voting. ... Why should we just have one day? Why should it be just 6 o'clock to 6 o'clock when that's not the way this world works anymore, especially here in Indiana?" Those hours keep people from voting.